Monday, August 27, 2007

Pet Peeves - Upside Down Eights

The lazy posts continue unabated.

I hate upside down eights. Usually they rear their top-heavy heads on petrol station price signs, screaming to the world at large that whoever shoves the back-lit numbers up there on the board can't tell his elbow from his arse. Or at least his head from his feet.

Upside down eights are glaring markers of a fundamental lack of attention to detail in the life of the person who saw fit to confuse the big loop with the little loop. "Check me out," they say, "I can't work out how to read a fucking number. Guess what else I can't work out? Lots of stuff, I'm betting."

So I was walking down San Jose Avenue near my house on the weekend and no shit, this is what I saw bolted to the front of a house...

It's your house! Your fucking $800,000 house! Get it fucking right! I can forgive a barely employable and savagely undereducated petrol station minimum-wager for mucking it up, but when you're attaching these things in a more or less permanent fashion to the exterior of your San Francisco love-pad you should probably take a second or two to see which way is up. It's not hard. Pretty simple really. Little loop on top. Big loop on bottom. Christ!


MyThreeBlogs said...

How do you feel about the "M" "W" usage?

Brown said...

That's just some inexcusable shit. I mean really...what's next, mixing up zero's and eights?


RBT said...

ALM - Oh man, I'd never considered that before. I detect a new obsession coming on.

MR. POOPIE - Will the lunacy every end? Ass-clowns indeed.

Anonymous said...

the zero is upside down too.

Laundramatic said...

wow.. interesting. I've never noticed upside down 8's until I read your post... I guess, I see how it can be pretty annoying seeing that number upside down. It's like, pay attention, people!

Captain Smack said...

There should be some kind of public service announcement.

Captain Smack said...

Well, I guess, actually, this was one.