Monday, August 06, 2007

My Terrorists $tarve Osama's SUV

About the only thing more amusing in this world than a self-righteous licence plate is a self-righteous bumper sticker.

Driving back from LA yesterday I caught this little display of haughty superior-mindedness plastered across the back of, you guessed it, a Prius.

"My car $tarve$ terrorists, does yours?"

The use of the dollar signs drives the point home with alarming efficiency, doesn't it? I really wish I'd been able to snap a photograph before the vehicle tore off ahead of me at ludicrous speed. On the scale of superciliousness it even beats my previous favourite Prius bumper sticker for the top spot...

"Osama loves your SUV!"

It might as well read "America! Fuck Yeah!" I can picture Osama in his Pakistan border cave right now, hunched over his laptop and masturbating furiously while he downloads grainy pictures of big-haired Texan mothers driving their home schooled pre-teens to bible camp in the recent model year GMC Yukon Denali. He loves it so much.

Hairs would need to be split to find the difference between left wing and right wing bumper sticker propagandists. Leave either a self-satisfied Prius driver or an "America Über Alles", flag-waving monster truck driver to boil on the stove for a few hours and the residue left at the bottom of the pot comes out the same.


Brown said...

I want a bumper sticker that says:

"Your kid may be an honor student, but you still drive like shit!"

catchy huh?

RBT said...

I'm seriously into it.

Anonymous said...

I had a friend who's girlfriend insisted on sticking a bumper sticker with the following statement on it:

"Keep working, millions on welfare are depending on it."

...and driving through Oakland with it on there. Come to think of it, I haven't seen her in a while!

RBT said...

LCG - In the words of that old video game, Gauntlet, "I've never seen such bravery!"